3 June, 2024

  • Fredag2024

Introducing the Artportalen (database of all species)

Learn how to get started reporting and what to think about to make the reports useful? The observations in Artportalen are used by all authorities, including courts that handle land cases. In this presentation you will learn how to report so that your observations are as useful as possible.



Other information

Johan Nilsson is a birdwatcher at heart, but started early with IT development of environmental information systems at the Swedish Environmental Protection Agency, where Artportalen was also born in the late 1990s. He has worked with Artportalen at the Swedish Species Information Centre since 2004.


Lecture tent

Johan Nilsson

Hur gör jag för att komma i gång att rapportera och vad behöver jag tänka på så det blir användbart. Observationerna i Artportalen används av alla myndigheter, inklusive domstolar som hanterar markärenden. Här får du svar på hur du rapporterar så att observationerna blir så användbara som möjligt.
