8 July, 2024

Bird guide at Falsterbo Lighthouse

Come and go whenever you want between 08:00 and 12:00 both Saturday and Sunday.

Falsterbo bird station is on site at Falsterbo lighthouse to talk about the spectacular bird migration at Sweden's most south-westerly point, Nabben.

There are many birds that pass over us on their journey to Denmark and further south, some of them all the way to Africa. Many rest in the lighthouse garden before they head off over the sea, which gives us good opportunities to study them up close.

If you want to see birds up close and learn more about them, you are welcome to join us.

Meeting place: The sea side of Falsterbo lighthouse


31/8 & 1/9

Other information

ATTENTION! Parking is difficult in the few designated spaces around Kolabacken. A good alternative is parking spaces in Falsterbo village and at Flommen's Golf Club. From Flommen's Golf Club, you can easily walk towards the sea and then south along the coast to the Lighthouse.

08.00 - 12:00

Falsterbo lighthouse
