4 July, 2024

Swifts and urban biodiversity - Sunday

This presentation is in English


This talk will briefly show just how important urban biodiversity is for us all. We know that the built environment has become a place to survive for many species as the countryside has become more hostile, and those who share our buildings – Swifts, Hirundines, Starlings, Wagtails, House Sparrows, and Black Redstarts as well as Bats – need places to breed and feed. By ”greening” our towns and adapting our buildings, we can keep them with us as well as provide the green spaces and green ”lungs” that provide us with the vital environment to support our physical and mental health.



Other information

Edward Mayer, founder of Swift Conservation, has been providing advice and information on saving and creating nests for Swifts and on enhancing urban biodiversity for over 20 years.

Debora Arlt, a member of UOF BirdLife Uppland, is a bird enthusiast, conservationist, population ecology researcher at SLU, and a swift enthusiast.


Lecture tent
